Lesson 1 - Introduction to TOEFL Speaking

In this lesson you will see a bit about how the TOEFL test works and how the scoring system works. Remember that your score is solely based on how well you can use complex vocabulary and grammar to create more sophisticated responses to various questions. These questions come from several different categories and are chosen at random by examiners or the computer. Watch the video for more information.

Use the blue community widget in the lower right of your screen to join the IELTS community discussion about anything IELTS or to send your recordings in for comment and evaluation.

Remember to consider enrolling in the IELTS Basic Mentoring Program for more assistance, discussion and guidance by scheduling one-to-one sessions directly with the instructor. This can give you an even greater chance of reaching your goals of a high score on the IELTS exam.

In this course, you will hear and see materials which have been used in past official tests and may be used in the test that you take. DO NOT simply memorize anything that you see here as a response to questions. You may or may not get the same questions. Be advised that examiners can recognize memorized responses and will score accordingly.

Please note that this course contains many tips that will help you to earn .5 to 1 point higher on the TOEFL test. These tools are proven to work for most students. The biggest requirement still falls on you, however. I, as your instructor, will teach you the things that you need to learn, however, you must spend some time between lessons to practice using what you have learned. Without the added practice, you will not have committed these tools to memory, therefore, you will likely not use them as well when taking the test. Practice, practice, practice.

Here are some ways that you can practice and insure that you improve your skills:

  1. Record your responses to the questions, then listen to these recordings. Make notes about how you can improve on your previous responses.
  2. Practice responding to the questions in front of the mirror, the dog, your little sister/brother, etc. Record these responses as well for reference. Don't forget to time yourself accordingly.
  3. Ask a friend, parent or teacher to ask you the questions and time you accordingly. Ask them to critique your responses (providing their English level is appropriate for this.
  4. Send your recorded responses to the community for comments on your progress.

Ok, before you get into Lesson 1, let me take a moment to explain the first strategy that you will need in order to pass the TOEFL test with a higher score. This is called the QPS strategy.

  • Question - Understand the Question.
  • Position - State your Position.
  • Support - Provide Support.

This means that you must first understand the question (what is being asked of you?). Next you must state your position (what is your point of view or opinion about the question?). Lastly, you must provide support for your position about the question (details, examples, and information that backs up your position.

Use this strategy with all questions and your responses will be greatly improved.

Ok, again, thank you for enrolling in TOEFL Speaking Basic. Lets go on to lesson 2.

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