Welcome to Live English World's TOEFL Speaking Basic

Hello and Welcome to Live English World's TOEFL Speaking Basic course.

Thia course has an 8.6 out of 10 rating at Coursemarks.com.

Before you begin.

You should have the following materials with you during each lesson and practice:

  • paper and pen or pencil.
  • recording device (mobile phone or other device.
  • a quiet place to study.
  • your computer, mobile phone or tablet to view lessons.
  • ample time to view lessons and practice the material presented in them.
  • a timer

These lessons are self-paced. With that said, you have access to this course for one year from the date of enrollment. You may come back to review any lesson for the duration of that time.

It is highly recommended that you take notes while viewing the videos and PPT lessons. You are also expected to properly time your responses just as you will be timed during the actual test. You should record your responses to use later as a tool to (1.) help you practice and (2.) use as a way to gauge your progress.

IMPORTANT: In this course you will learn the necessary material needed to improve your overall score on the test you are planning to take as well as many tips and tricks that will give you a bit of an edge over other test takers. It is up to you to practice and get comfortable with this information. The information is good to know, but without practice, it will be net to useless. It is a proven fact that any new thing that you learn will be forgotten if not repeated several times.

You may see sample responses to questions in this course. DO NOT just memorize responses. Examiners can recognize memorization and will score accordingly. Use the material that you learn here to build your ability to create interesting, vibrant responses of your own. Your test scores will show the difference.

Finally, enjoy your lessons and practice. Involve your parents, siblings, friends, even your dog in your practice sessions.

See you in Lesson 1.

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